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Our “Why”: Why We Do What We Do

Housing Plan Laurie Turner March 19, 2024

That story (the story of finding my husband’s parents a safe environment in which to live) is, in large part, why we focus on Seniors in our Real Estate careers – and mostly why my husband and I became Realtors® in the first place. Having lived through that saga and seeing first-hand the pain it put my in-laws through and how all the chaos ruined his family’s sibling relationship, motivated us to do what we could to prevent it from happening to others. We decided to put our business backgrounds to work to help, but instead of writing business plans we help people write Housing Plans to fit their future needs.

In Real Estates circles, you will often hear Realtors® ask each other, “what’s your why?” Not every transaction is as easy as it looks on “reality” tv shows. Most are extraordinarily hard work and emotionally draining. Why do we put up with the exhaustingly long hours (the phone rings all night long). Why do we put up with the heartache of not having our offer for enthusiastic first-time buyers accepted? Why do we put up with the always anxious, and sometimes obsessive, behavior of sellers when their house doesn’t sell quickly? Why do we put up with inspectors who delight in panicking buyers with their reports? Why do we put up with unreasonable request for repairs from buyers and the often equally unreasonable response from sellers? Why do we put up with being Realtors®?

To succeed as a Realtor®, you have to have a reason, a passion that drives you. When you feel burnt out you look back to that reason for strength. It becomes like a mantra driving you forward. Without it, you are just another also-ran agent. With it, you thrive!

Nothing is more distressing than when our phone rings and a panicked voice on the other end says something has happened, to either a spouse or parents, and they don’t know what to do or where to start, but they can’t stay at home any more. It’s distressing because we know the feeling and we know the fear. It’s also incredibly rewarding because we can help, we know where to start and what to do. To allay their fears and chart a course forward. Our experience, not only with my in-laws but with countless other seniors and families, gives us the words and techniques necessary to start those often difficult conversations in an honest and forthright manner. Nothing makes us feel better than visiting our clients AFTER everything is said and done and they are in a safe, supportive environment that meets their needs and hearing how happy they are and seeing them thrive. Universally, they all wish they had done something sooner.

That’s why we do what we do. That’s our “why”. 

If this sounds like you or someone you know, we’re here to have those conversations with dignity and tact. Contact us at (626) 483-5269 or at [email protected].

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